Friday, June 14, 2013

Need To Get Stronger!

So my last blog post was my June challenge. Well I am officially admitting I have to amend my goal date lol. I am very much lacking the upper body strength to hold myself up with my arms. However I plan to correct that. I have been trying to get myself to hold the L-handstand facing the wall. And this is how I learned I need to get a lot stronger. I found this great tutorial on how to do handstands and am trying to follow what he says.

I have been doing some really great challenges through and I am already noticing the benefits. I am going to push a little harder and hopefully this summer in July or August I will be doing hand stands. What I really want to be able to do is lift my own weight. The infamous handstand push up that you see these amazing athletes do.

Some of the challenges I have really enjoyed from tribesports are:

The Sexy Leg workout is a lot more challenging than I expected. And the core workout was not has hard for me as I thought it would be. I always thought my legs were strong but obviously not nearly as strong as I wanted them to be lol. I was also surprised at how strong my core was after having my baby 13 months ago and feeling like I had fallen short on my core work outs. I have also decided to take on the 30 Squat challenge to strengthen my legs. I happy to say today is a rest day for me. ;)

Taking these challenges is not only worth it but a great way for me to see where my strengths and weaknesses are. I think until these two workouts become easy for me I will continue to do them. Maybe the leg workout twice a week and the core at least once. I still find both work outs challenging at the moment so it only makes sense to master them.

But now I also need to find a great workout that I can do at home to increase upper body strength. I do have a small home gym but it is limited. 

In order for me to reach my goal of the handstand push up I really need to get stronger. I have started by increases my push ups for each day. I actually was able to do 65 push ups yesterday. I broke them up into reps of 15 or 20. I am very happy with this. As of April all I could do was 5 of the modified push ups (commonly called the "girl push up"). 

So if you have any recommendations for a good upper body work out I can do at home let me know. I am a newbie so be kind ;)

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